The School of Advanced AI Studies (EAJ-IA)


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EAJ-IA involves undergraduate and graduate students, in an open and accessible way to the community. The project will carry out its activities both face-to-face and offline, organizing initiation courses, updating, events and generating texts, videos, booklets and other products for the dissemination of useful knowledge, especially to the legal community of law students, bachelors, public servants, magistrates and managers linked to the various legal careers and teachers to promote the organized dissemination of knowledge about artificial intelligence in Law.




The project seeks to organize postdoctoral projects to spread knowledge about AI applied to Law to the entire legal community.



We have 4 ongoing postdoctoral projects:

  1. Application of criminal punishment and AI;
  2. AI and criminal justice
  3. AI apply to general repercussion and the new Brazilian precedent system
  4. Internationalization, technologies and innovation for the evolution of the brazilian judicial system  



ConfIA Project (Ethics in AI)  




Research project that seeks to formulate, for application in projects for the development and use of AI in Law, assessment criteria for certification of compliance with ethical standards.



Create concrete elements, based on the theoretical references of the Laboratory, for the development and use of AI in Law and establish possible ethical certification protocols.




  1. Making our own theoretical framework;
  2. Empowering researchers;
  3. Developing documents and protocols for certification






JulIA - Logistics concepts apply to procedural Law  




JulIA project seeks to map the flows in procedural law management, developing the concept of jurisdictional logistics, suggesting AI support solutions to improve accuracy and other metrics of quantitative and qualitative performance of jurisdictional provision.



Access to justice: The Victor AI guarantees a faster and safer process, increasing the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision with gains in speed and precision.


Protection of fundamental rights:  More effective judicial processes extend constitutional guarantees regarding material and procedural fundamental rights




  1. Observing the statistics made available by the National Council of Justice - DataJud;
  2. Empowering researchers and public service officers;
  3. Developing documents and protocols for certification
  4. BI and statistics solutions




Datajud - CNJ